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FFXIV Heavensward Art of Ishgard The Scars of War

$63.59 AUD
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FFXIV Heavensward Art of Ishgard The Scars of War

$63.59 AUD
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A treat for collectors and fans of Final Fantasy XIV, this high-quality, large-format art book presents a rich collection of illustrations and concept artwork for characters, environments, accessories, and more. Covering content through the end of the Heavensward expansion, this volume also includes comments from the art team and a look at the processes that the team uses when creating art pieces. Book two of a two-book set with The Art of Ishgard: Stone and Steel.

Includes an exclusive bonus item code for an in-game Wind-up Hraesvelgr minion!
Produced by:
Final Fantasy (view more in this series)
Created by:
Square Enix (view more by this creator)
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