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Avatar Legend of Korra Turf Wars Omnibus

$45.41 AUD
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Avatar Legend of Korra Turf Wars Omnibus

$45.41 AUD
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Wonyong Keum plans to turn the new spirit portal into an amusement park, potentially severing an already tumultuous connection with the spirits. At the city's edge, Zhu Li enlists everyone she can to aid the thousands of hungry and homeless evacuees who have relocated there. Meanwhile, the Triple Threats' ruthless new leader, Tokuga, is determined to unite the other triads under his rule, no matter the cost
Produced by:
Avatar The Legend of Korra (view more in this series)
Created by:
Bryan Konietzko (view more by this creator)
Michael Dante DiMartino (view more by this creator)
Irene Koh (view more by this creator)
Killian Ng (view more by this creator)
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