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Case File Compendium Novel V02 Bing an Ben

$36.32 AUD
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Case File Compendium Novel V02 Bing an Ben

$36.32 AUD
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Xie Qingcheng, an icy man of subdued emotion, was once He Yu's doctor, and is the only person who knows He Yu's terrible secret. He Yu swears not to let his past with this man get in the way of his feelings for Xie Xue, but he soon finds himself drawn into a tangled web of intrigue and violence that involves both of the Xie siblings. As a sprawling conspiracy sucks in He Yu, he must confront his own grudges and face new truths-including his own feelings for Xie Qingcheng, which warp into a fixation much darker than what he feels for the man's sister.
Produced by:
Case File Compendium (view more in this series)
Created by:
Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (view more by this creator)
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