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Agents of the Four Seasons Novel V04 Dance of Summer, Part II

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Agents of the Four Seasons Novel V04 Dance of Summer, Part II

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The arrival of two Agents of Summer has created a political nightmare, and the Agents themselves have ultimately suffered the consequences. Thanks to rumors that they are cursed by the gods, Ruri and Ayame were forced to break off their engagements when a wolf appeared on Mount Ryugu. Not to be deterred, they have arrived on the sacred mountain to meet the Archer of Twilight and solve the mystery themselves--but the shadows around the wolf go deeper than they know. Meanwhile, the conflict among the conservative and progressive factions within the Towns rages on, and various ulterior motives are at play. Those involved in the unrest are all gathering in one place: Ruri's fiance Raicho Kimikage, Ayame's fiance Renri Rouo, and the Agents of the Four Seasons themselves. When the storm finally calms, will the twins be with their loves, or torn apart forever?
Produced by:
Agents of the Four Seasons (view more in this series)
Created by:
Kana Akatsuki (view more by this creator)
Suoh (view more by this creator)
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